What is the Tech Radar?

The JET Android Tech Radar is a list of technologies, complemented by an assessment result, called ring assignment. We use four rings with the following semantics:

  • Adopt — something that is adopted and actively used to solve specific problems.
  • Explore — something that has potential and is worth experimenting with on a percentage of time and running a trial on.
  • Endure — something that doesn't represent anymore how things are executed. It is still ok for this to be used but it's advised to migrate off where possible.
  • Retire — something that has been officially and fully retired but the recent past.

What is the purpose?

Drawing inspiration from the pioneering work of Thoughtworks, the Tech Radar serves as a tool to inspire and support the Android Engineering team at JET. It offers an overview of the current state of technologies in use. The Tech Radar also provides a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences related to technology, reflecting on technology decisions, and continuously evolving our technology landscape.

How do we maintain it?

The Tech Radar is maintained by the Android Engineering teams at JET and depends on their active participation to share lessons learned, pitfalls, and contribute to good practices on using the technologies.

Check out our Engineering Blog for more information on how we approach Technology Selection and use the Tech Radar at JET.

This tech radar is a based on the open source Node.js app implemented by Zalando and available on their GitHub.